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HKQAA Recognition Awards 2022
To encourage companies and organizations to improve their performance in health, anti-epidemic, occupational safety and health, business continuity and social responsibility, the Hong Kong Quality Assurance Agency (HKQAA) held the "Organization Recognition Awards” in 2021. This year, HKQAA held the "Organization Recognition Awards 2022” to recognize the contributions for Anti-epidemic, Carbon Neutral and ESG among the companies and organizations.
Shun Yuen Construction is pleased to receive the “Outstanding ESG Leading Award (Construction and Engineering)” for our efforts in promoting quality employment and economic growth. Added to this, our Technical Director (Training), Mr. Cheung Tai Yan, also received the “Outstanding ESG Contributing Leader”.
As a socially responsible corporate, we will continue to contribute to society and provide the utmost good engineering services to our clients.
For more details, please visit Shun Yuen LinkedIn.